eGenix Talks: Python Web Installer

PyCon UK 2014 - Python Web Installer

Making Python package installs easier and more secure for users across platforms.
Version: 2.1.5

Installing Python packages is usually done with one of the available package installation systems, e.g. pip, easy_install, zc.buildout, or manually by running "python install" in a package distribution directory.

These systems work fine as long as you have Python-only packages. For packages that contain binaries, such as Python C extensions or other platform dependent code, the situation is a lot less bright.

In this talk, we present a new web installer system that we're currently developing to overcome these limitations.

The system combines the dynamic Python installation interface supported by all installers ("python install"), with a web installer which automatically selects, downloads, verifies and installs the binary package for your platform.

Talk Video

This talk was given at PyCon UK 2014 in Coventry, UK, by Marc-André Lemburg, CEO of

Mr. Lemburg is available as Python coach and consultant, if you would like to get on-site help with your projects.

Talk Slides

The talk slides are available as PDF file:

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